Tribal Business & Economic Development

Empowering Tribal Sovereignty

Business and economic development enables tribes to assert control over their resources, protect their heritage, and ensure that the benefits of growth are equitably distributed among their members. These efforts strengthen tribal sovereignty, preserve cultural integrity, and build a prosperous future for tribal communities.


Capacity brings extensive experience in supporting tribal nations and enterprises with their business and economic development goals. Our team is dedicated to protecting tribal sovereignty and fostering economic prosperity across Indian Country.

Tribes seeking to expand and diversify their economic footprint will find a seasoned partner in Capacity. We actively assist tribes nationwide in establishing, growing, and managing their economic ventures.

  • Economic Development Action Plans

  • Economic Impact Analysis

  • Housing Analysis

  • Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)

  • Tourism Diversification Analysis

  • Economic Competitiveness Analysis

  • Industry and Market Trend Forecasting

  • Feasibility Study

  • Community Survey Design & Implementation

  • Business Plan Development

  • Financial Pro Forma Projections

  • Highest & Best Use Analysis

  • Derelict Property Assessment

  • Trade Area Analysis

  • Community Engagement Initiatives

  • Location & Site Analysis

Working with Capacity

Our Capacity team has successfully supported numerous tribes nationwide in building businesses and diversifying their economies. With our expertise, we can help you:

  • Maximize profit by evaluating your nation’s natural resources, geographic location, climate, infrastructure, potential customers, and available investment capital 
  • Assure Tribal Council and Leadership of project viability and profit potential 
  • Identify and manage risks when starting or purchasing a business
  • Champion native interests when working with nontribal parties
  • Reduce economic dependence on gaming
  • Strategize business opportunities with tribal values in mind
  • Evaluate tourism opportunities that complement your regional assets

Our Clients

Get in Touch

Many of our most engaging projects start with a conversation. We take the time to understand your needs and goals to recommend the best plan of action. If you’re ready to start a conversation, contact us! We’re excited to connect with you and begin this journey together.

Contact Us